Title I Program
Title I of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA/ESEA) is a federal funding program designed to close achievement gaps and ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. The largest part of the Title I program, Part A allocates funding to districts and other local educational agencies (LEAs) according to a formula based on numbers/percentages of children from low-income families. LEAs distribute much of the funding directly to individual public schools and use the rest to support other efforts within the LEA that benefit students needing additional academic support.
Many schools receiving Part A funding operate Schoolwide Programs, implementing overall school improvements to ensure that systems, practices, and programs are effectively aligned to reduce gaps and support every student’s achievement. Other schools use their Part A funds to operate Targeted Assistance Programs, which provide services to a subgroup of identified students.
Schoolwide Programs - Park Falls Elementary School, Glidden Elementary School, Chequamegon Middle School
Targeted Assistance Programs - Class ACT Charter School
Program elements include:
- Needs assessment and program plan design, to ensure services are designed to meet identified needs and help ensure that resource allocation is aligned with equity goals
- Family engagement, to allow family perspectives to inform programming efforts and to promote coordination of school and family efforts to support students
- Appropriately licensed teachers, to help ensure children from low-income families have equitable access to high-quality instruction
- Equitable participation by private school students, to ensure that eligible students in private schools benefit from Title I services, even though private schools cannot receive Title I funds directly
- Coordination with early childhood care providers, to support transitions to Kindergarten
Source: Every Student Succeeds Act, Title I. 20 U.S.C. § 6301-6578.
Title I Annual Parent Meeting
The video can also be viewed at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rLpTDd4Q9XE-GRUXeajxYniXnZymRaDT/view.
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Federal law requires that we share with you the qualifications of teachers in this school district. There are questions you may ask, including:
- Is my child’s teacher licensed to teach the grades or subjects assigned?
- Has the state waived any requirements for my child’s teacher?
- What was the college major of my child’s teacher?
- What degrees does my child’s teacher hold?
- Are there any instructional assistants working with my child? If so, what are their qualifications?
If you would like more information about your child’s school, please feel free to call me at (715) 762-2474.
Kyle Cronan
District Administrator